Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Law Enforcement Today - 773 Words
Assignment Law Enforcement Today CJS/200 May 20, 2012 Ryan A. Conti Law Enforcement Today Today’s law enforcement officers are faced with difficult challenging issues. Being trained efficiently is most important so they know how to respond to the many different issues. According to Schmalleger (2011), corruption, on duty dangers, deadly force, and racial profiling are just some issues today’s law enforcement has to deal with. Multicultural society is one of the main challenges that police officers face on a day to day bases. To â€Å"protect and serve†is the number one duty of law enforcement. According to Schmalleger (2011), it is important as a police officer to understand and respect the different habits,†¦show more content†¦Excessive force is â€Å"the application of an amount and/or frequency of force greater than that required to compel compliance from a willing or unwilling subject†(Schmalleger, 2011). One issue that has been constant is racial profiling. No matter how far along we as people have come along racial profiling will always be an issue but has only come to the nation’s attention in the 1990’s. Schmalleger (2011) stated, â€Å"Racial profiling can be defined as any police action initiated on the basis of the race, ethnicity, or national origin of a suspect, rather than on the behavior of that individual or on information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity†(p.284). Majority of these cases are done toward minorities, Latinos, African Americans, and since 9/11 Middle Eastern get profiled as an illegal alien, gangster, or terrorist. Terrorism has become a serious issue since the 9/11 attacks. Local, state, and federal law enforcement has been working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Counterterrorism efforts are in full effect and have priority. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has the responsibility of trying to predict and pr event terrorism attacks. For the FBI to be able to do this they collect, analyze, and share information with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)Show MoreRelatedLaw Enforcement Today763 Words  | 4 PagesLaw Enforcement Today Paper Chelsea Berry Foundations of the Criminal Justice System June 2, 2013 Gary Lair Many police departments are facing budget problems, forcing them to cut their police force down. Many officers are being asked to do things they normally dont do such as patrolling. Police departments are also facing increasing crimes due to the poor economyRead MoreLaw Enforcement Today Paper1056 Words  | 5 PagesAngeles Police Department, more and more law enforcement administrators are faced with the task of reforming police department, with little guidance on how to bring about the necessary changes. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. If you must compose an argumentative essay on immigration, but don't have adequate time or energy to do it by yourself, you have located the ideal spot. If you're struggling, you always have the option to acquire help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. If you think that you require assistance with your written assignments it is preferable to ask for skilled help from online writing service. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Is Wrong There are a few reasons which justify and condemn illegal immigration that I will endeavor to go over below. The current dilemma of immigration raises various essential questions which are both beneficial and negative. Yet another critical issue to think about is overpopula tion. There are a few problems that surpass the controversies which were raised about immigration. Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should select a subject of high importance. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. You will probably locate a different and wonderful topic you will love to write about. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper can help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. You need to set up facts, possess the confidence and demonstrate the obvious evidence of your private viewpoint to certain phenomenon. Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. Racial slurs ought to be illegal. There are lots of aspects abo ut a sport that may be argued in an essay. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. To start with, an argumentative essay is a part of formal writing. It is a particular type of academic writing. Civil wars and financial challenges are a few of the typical elements that push people to move to other nations searching for peace and financial stability. Immigration has turned into a massive international issue, especially within the field of economics, trade, and company. Therefore, immigration offers a chance to students who pursue new fields of study they cannot locate in their home country. Job immigration is the main problem, particularly in the underdeveloped and developing countries. Immigration has ever been an important but divisive element of social and political life in the United States of america, but in the last few years, the debate about the perceived threats and advantages of immigration has intensified considerably. Technol ogy is ever-present in our everyday lives. What You Must Know About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics There are a few helpful strategies for argumentative essays. There are, in addition, some special methods for writing the very first and the very last paragraphs (introduction and conclusion). When students are writing their argumentative essays which need to find, read and analyze tons of material to do good. To locate argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you will need to comprehend about the argumentative essay. There isn't any chance of you getting a plagiarized paper written by somebody else. A conclusion is, without a doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the very good impression or destroy it entirely. Make certain you are really interested in the problem, because otherwise you will have no confidence, which is a significant aspect when convincing somebody. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. The New Angle On Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Just Released Immigration does not need to be the bad man's escape in the event the government provides enough jobs for everybody. To start, in the 19th century, different kinds of illegal immigrants were regarded as a danger to the Americans. Politically, they take a major role in the presidential elections. Furthermore, illegal immigrants also tend to commit different crimes since they aren't conscious of the other prevailing laws of the nation that they seek residence.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Human Resource Management Change Management
Question: Write about theHuman Resource Management for Change Management. Answer: Introduction In the last decade, the Australian organizations have had different transformations which have led to significant impact on employees. The demands placed on employees are greater than even before, standards expected are higher and duties have become more sophisticated (Fitz-Enz, 2010). These transformations have not had an impact on the employees but have also impacted what the management does to ensure they feel appreciated and valued by the organization. The rapidly transforming business environment indicates that there are many human resource management challenges which might continue to evolve Australia in the future. As a result of the unstable economy as well as local and global advancements, many changes are occurring and impacting human resource management in different ways (Muller, 2013). According to researchers, Human resource departments are facing some challenges that affect them from adding real business value. The following are some of the major challenges which hinder human resource in Australian organizations from performing better. Change Management In the Australian, change-resistant in organizations is very common. People are used to doing what they are used to and never want to accept the introduction of new things. This factor makes the human resource managers to experience challenges because for an organization to succeed, change must be incorporated in the management of human resources. Employees resist change for different reasons including the fear of the unknown, fear of losing jobs and so forth (Muller, 2012). According to business experts, the process of change management has an influence in the whole organization and all people who work there and therefore if the right process is not used it may negatively impact the employees and other aspects concerning the organization. Change is required for different reasons aimed to improve the performance of either the employee or the organization as a whole. The challenge which the HR professionals face in managing change is trying to explain to the employees the reason for the change or other strategies of minimizing change resistance (Rivenburgh, 2013). Another challenge comes when employee resist a change that has already been implemented because it causes the employees to behave in a manner which does not favor good performance. The work of the HR professionals is to ensure employees performs as expected and therefore when this happens they must use the proper strategies to ensure they accept the change, and they can perform better. Recruitment and Selection The number of new job seekers has been growing in Australia over the years because the digital era has made many people to realize the importance of education. This factor has made companies to receive many job applications when a vacancy is announced, hence making the human resource professionals to experience challenges in finding the suitable candidates from a large number of applicants especially when they have similar academic qualifications and job experience (Chintalapati, 2013). The increase in the number of job seekers in the recent years also made the HR managers to experience challenges in selection because they must adjust their selection procedure from time to time so that they can ensure the candidate selected from these broad numbers fulfills the job requirements. Leadership Development This is one of the biggest challenges which Human resource managers face in Australia. In most of the organizations, human resource managers are expected to provide the fundamental structures, tools, processes and points of view to make the best solution and develop the future leaders in their organization (Savtchenko, 2012). In Australia, leadership development is classified as a critical strategic initiative in ensuring the right staffs are retained, the culture of the company supports performance from within to attain good market position, and managers can take leadership roles in the future so that the organization can be viable in the long term. Leadership development includes exposing the best employees to an immersive leadership environment. Sometimes, choosing the best employees for this purpose may be challenging because every employee feels he or she is the best fit. The rising employee turnover rate in this country is also giving the HR managers tough time in coming up with practices to promote employee engagement and motivate them to stay for long in the organizations (Andrew, 2012). The issue of excess turnover rates is also making these professionals to experience challenges in building the next generation organizational leaders because the ones trained leave the organizations within short period even before gaining the required experience. Measurement HR Effectiveness Improvement cannot happen without the right tools to measure the effectiveness of Human Resource. Just like the other departments in an organization, the human resource also requires measuring outcomes regarding transaction management, as well as with regard to positive impact on the company (Hussain, 2012). In the wake of excess competition in the Australian companies, the human resource strategy is linked to the strategic success of an organization as a whole, but most of the senior executives in some of the companies think of HRs effectiveness as unquantifiable. Just like other professionals or departments, the performance of HR professionals can be measured and analyzed, so as to allow them realize their strategic importance in the organizations Identifying Skills As a result of competition in the Australian job market, it is becoming challenging for the human resource managers to identify the right people who can assist their organizations to succeed. The major issue, in this case, is identifying skills beyond those shown in the CVs and resumes (Bhatt, 2012). This is because all job applicants present CVs with different types of skills but not all of them bear them in the real sense. Identifying the desired competencies in a pool of job applicants is a significant challenge for the HR in Australia especially when the position is very competitive. The HR professionals must be adept in finding and securing the best employees, even when the job market seems to be in the candidates favor. The HR professionals also face the challenge of marketing their organizations to the most potential employees in Australia because the number of job seekers is increasing as time goes on and targeting all of them is difficult. Conducting Employee Terminations or Layoffs at Work Letting an employee go is usually one of the most challenging things which HR professionals go through. The greatest percentage of HR professional in Australia says termination or layoffs are an emotionally draining process which affects them (Shiri, 2012). Firing an employee with different responsibilities like taking care of his/her family make the HR professional feel some sense of guiltiness. The legal issue to consider when firing an employee in Australia is also stressful for the HR professionals because a single misstep may lead time-consuming and even expensive lawsuit for an organization. Ensuring Internal and External Compensation Equity Job competition in Australia is increasing, and each company wants to retain its employees (Andries, 2015). Other enterprises that do not have sufficient workforce try to attract the most skilled applicants from other organizations through promising better pay and good job titles. This factor makes the Australian HR professionals face the burden of ensuring the workers are not lured by better pay or notable titles from other companies. Emotional and Physical Stability of Employees As time goes on, the Australians tend to feel that providing salaries and wages to employees is not adequate in todays world. This means the human resource managers are required to maintain proper emotional balance of staff members. Upholding this balance is not an easy job because the human resource managers must understand the requirements, attitudes, requirements and the feelings of staff members in order to motivate them whenever required. Balance Between Management and Employee As time goes on, the responsibilities of human resource are changing in different perspectives. This means balancing the interests of management and employees is becoming a burden to these professionals (Srimannarayana, 2013). Profits, loyalty, cooperation, and are expected by the management whereas good salaries, safety, career development, participative working and good working conditions are some of the factors expected by employees from the management. Unlike marketers, accountants other professionals, human resource managers experience a challenge in trying to balance the management expectations and what the employees expect to get from the management ManagingJob Benefits and Perks, Training Programs Employee health insurance, disability, paid leave, and company benefits as well as perks programs are complex and challenging to manage (Bhatt, 2012). Sometimes when employees expect to get them, and the company does not have enough resources or other departments do not give full support, the HR professionals end up experiencing challenges because it is their responsibility to ensure employees gets what they can motivate them to work better. Conclusion The growing demand for then sound management of human resources is increasing the challenges faced by HR professionals in Australia. The increasing in job competition is affecting both the job seekers and HR professionals in different ways. Some of the challenges which the HR professionals face because of the increase in competition in the Australian job market include identifying the right skills, and Ensuring there is internal and external compensation equity. Other challenges which the HR professionals face in this country include Managing job benefits and perks, training programs, Conducting employee terminations or layoffs at work, HR effectiveness measurement, balancing employee and management Leadership development and managing change. Although the seriousness of these issues differs, they make the HR professionals to experience challenges in ensuring the organizational goals and objects are met through providing the required workforce. Bibliography Andrew, B., 2012. HR Outsourcing Can Boost Savings and Service. The Public Manager, 41(3), pp. 678-710. Andries, D. P., 2015. Evidence of the Changing Activities, Goals and Roles of Hr Practitioners. Journal of Community Positive Practices,, 15(1), pp. 123-200. Bhatt, P., 2012. Understanding HR and Development Paradigms: Changes and Effectiveness, an Employees' Standpoint. Organization Development Journal, 30(3), pp. 65-90. Chintalapati, N., 2013. Protecting the Competitive Advantage Derived through HR: Challenges for IT Industry. IUP Journal of Management Research, 12(3), pp. 34-89. Fitz-Enz, J., 2010. The New HR Analytics: Predicting the Economic Value of Your Company's Human Capital Investments. New York: AMACOM. Hussain, F., 2012. The Chief HR Officer: Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders. South Asian Journal of Management, 21(3), pp. 34-89. Muller, M., 2012. The Legal Side of HR Practice. New York: American Management Association. Muller, M., 2013. The Manager's Guide to HR: Hiring, Firing, Performance Evaluations, Documentation, Benefits, and Everything Else You Need to Know. New York: American Management Association. Rivenburgh, D., 2013. The New Corporate Facts of Life: Rethink Your Business to Transform Today's Challenges into Tomorrow's Profits. New York: AMACOM. Savtchenko, A., 2012. Emerging HR Leaders Help the Public Manager. The Public Manager, 41(3), pp. 67-90. Shiri, S., 2012. Strategic Role of HR Audit in Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Management and Public Policy, 3(2), pp. 765-800. Srimannarayana, M., 2013. Human Resource Competencies as Perceived by Executives. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(2), pp. 45-89.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jamaica Essays - Parishes Of Jamaica, Jamaican Maroons,
Jamaica The island of Jamaica is the third largest Caribbean island. It is in a group of islands called the greater antilles. It has an area of 10 991 km squared or 4 244 sq. miles. Jamaica spans 230 km east to west and from 80-36 from north to south. It is third only to Cuba, which is the largest, and Hispaniola which is the second largest island. Jamaica lies in the Caribbean sea which is a part of the much larger Atlantic ocean. The island is 960 km south of Florida, 160 km southwest of Haiti, and 140 km south of Cuba. Jamaica is mainly a mountainous island but there are 320 km of fine sandy beaches, swamps, moist fern- forests, sprawling open plains, plateaus, rushing rivers, and magnificent waterfalls. The Blue Mountains are the highest mountains in Jamaica and Blue Mountain Peak which is the highest peak in Jamaica rises to 2256 m or 7 402 feet. They are made up primarily of limestone. Farther to the west in the cockpit country the limestone has eroded over many years to form large depressions, narrow valleys, underground caverns and rivers. Most of the surface rivers are short, swift flowing and descend quickly to the coast and consist of a series of rapids and waterfalls. The island is ringed by plains separated by mountain and sea. The country is divided into three counties. They are Cornwall to the west, Middlesex is central, and Surrey is to the east. Middlesex is the largest county. Jamaica is also divided into 14 parishes which are basically like provinces or states. The parishes are Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, St. Ann, Trelawny, St. James, Hanover, Westmoreland, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, Clarendon, and St. Catherine. Jamaica is mainly a tropical climate. During the course of the year, Jamaica has no real winter whatsoever. The average yearly temperature ranges from 27 degrees celsius to 32 degrees celsius. It is cooler in hills, around 20 to 25 degrees and it is known to dip below 10 degrees in the blue mountains. Although it is hot in the day, light ocean breezes result in making the island more comfortable in the day and cooler breezes blow down from the Blue Mountains at night. Rain falls in Jamaica 12 months of the year because it is a rainy tropical climate. The average rainfall is 196 cm per annum. The main months for raining, however, are May to June and September to October. The major differences in elevation cause the rain to fall almost 600 cm per annum on the mountains and only 89 cm on the southeast coast. Hurricanes can strike anytime between June and October. One of the main hurricanes to hit Jamaica was hurricane Hugo in 1989 which badly damaged the country. The vegetation in Jamaica is exceptionally varied. This is mainly because of the islands varied rainfall, soil, elevations, and climate. Many of the plants which now thrive in Jamaica's rich soil have been introduced from other countries in colonial times. There are bamboo forests in the northern and northeastern areas. Also, rosewood, mahogany, ebony, and other species of wood which live throughout the island. Drought resistant plants live in the dry southeastern part of Jamaica. Sections of the plateau are heavily forested savannas or grasslands. The majority of the palm trees are in the southwest part of the island. The countryside is often covered by rampant growths of poinsettia, hibiscus, poinciana, oleander, and bougainvillaea. There are many products which are grown in Jamaica. Some of the produce raised are bananas, sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, coconut, pimento, ackee, nutmeg, & breadfruit. Jamaica has many animals although it boasts only one native mammal, the coney, which is a wild rabbit. The mongoose is large rodent originating from india. It was introduced to Jamaica in 1872 to control the problem of snakes and rats in the cane fields and has done an adequate job since then. Most of the snakes have disappeared from Jamaica except for a few non poisonous ones which look more like worms than snakes. In Jamaica, as well as many other caribbean islands there are an abundant population of small harmless lizards. There are over 200 species on the island. Crocodiles are also numerous on the south coast swamp areas. In the past, Jamaica's economy was generally based on agriculture. The dependency was on a few staple crops, primarily sugar and bananas. New economic development began with earnest in and around the 1950's. Bauxite mining began in 1952 and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Violet Smoke Chemistry Demonstration
Violet Smoke Chemistry Demonstration There are many chemistry demonstrations that produce smoke, but violet smoke is quite a lot more interesting! Here are two ways to produce violet smoke. Violet Smoke Safety Info iodine Violet Smoke Method #1 1 part powdered zinc 4 parts powdered iodine wash bottle or dropper bottle filled with water Separately powder the zinc and iodine, using a mortar and pestle.Mix the ingredients in a shallow dish.Perform the demonstration by spraying a stream of water onto the powdered mix. Violet vapor will immediately form. You may wish to place a white board behind the dish to make the violet smoke more visible. Violet Smoke Method #2 4 grams powdered ammonium nitrate4 grams powdered zinc1/2 gram iodine crystalswash bottle or dropper bottle of water Powder the materials separately, then mix them together in a shallow dish. Initiate the reaction between the zinc and ammonium nitrate by spraying water onto the powdered ingredients. Iodine will sublimate in the heat of the reaction. White Smoke Chem Demo | Easy Violet Fire
Friday, November 22, 2019
Biography of Frank Sinatra, Legendary Singer
Biography of Frank Sinatra, Legendary Singer Frank Sinatra (December 12, 1915–May 14, 1998), known for his smooth, heartfelt voice during the â€Å"crooner-swooner†era, started performing in 1935 as the singer of a four-piece band in Hoboken, New Jersey. Between 1940 and 1943 he recorded 23 top-10 singles and reached the top position of the male-singer polls in Billboard and Downbeat magazines. Sinatra went on to become a successful movie star, winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for From Here to Eternity (1953). He was popular as a man’s man- he dressed in elegant suits but was known for his legendary temper and stubbornness- while singing romantic songs that made women swoon. Fast Facts: Frank Sinatra Known For: A smooth-voiced crooner who sold millions of records, won nearly a dozen Grammys, and appeared in numerous filmsAlso Known As: Francis Albert Sinatra, The Voice, Ol’ Blue Eyes, Chairman of the Board, Ol Blue EyesBorn: December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New JerseyParents: Antonino Martino Sinatra, Natalina GaraventaDied: May 14, 1998 in Los Angeles, CaliforniaAlbums: The Voice of Frank Sinatra (1946), Thats Life (1966), Strangers in the Night (1966), My Way (1969)Films: From Here to Eternity, Pal Joey, Guys and Dolls, On the Town, Oceans Eleven, The Manchurian Candidate, Rosemarys BabyAwards and Honors: Presidential Medal of Freedom (1985), Grammy Legend Award, the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, Academy Award, Best Supporting Actor (1953)Spouse(s): Nancy Barbato (m. 1939–1951), Ava Gardner (m. 1951–1957), Mia Farrow (m. 1966–1968), Barbara Marx (m. 1976–1998)Children: Nancy, Frank Jr., Tina SinatraNotable Quote: The biggest lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything. Early Years Born in Hoboken, New Jersey on December 12, 1915, Francis Albert Sinatra was of Italian-Sicilian descent. Being a 13.5-pound baby, the doctor forcefully brought him into the world by forceps, causing major damage to one of his eardrums- which would later make him exempt from entering the army during World War II. Thinking the baby was dead, the doctor set him aside. Sinatra’s grandmother scooped him up and held him under cold running tap water at the sink. The baby gasped, cried, and lived. Frank Sinatra’s father Anthony Martin Sinatra was a Hoboken fireman, while his mother Natalie Della â€Å"Dolly†Sinatra (neà © Gavarante) was a midwife/abortionist and political activist for women’s rights. While Sinatra’s father was quiet, Dolly overwhelmed her son with love as well as her quick temper. She sang in the Italian bel canto style at family gatherings while her son sang along. Sinatra also sang tunes he heard on the radio; his idol was crooner Bing Crosby. During high school, Sinatra took his first girlfriend, Nancy Barbato, to see Bing Crosby perform live in New Jersey, an event that greatly inspired him. Nancy believed in her boyfriend’s dream to sing. While Sinatras parents wanted their only child to graduate from high school and go to college to become an engineer, their son dropped out of high school and tried his luck as a singer. To his parents’ dismay, Sinatra worked various jobs (including plastering walls for Nancy’s father) during the day and sang at Democratic Party meetings of the Hoboken Sicilian-Cultural League, local nightclubs, and roadhouses at night. Radio Contest Winner In 1935, the 19-year-old Sinatra joined with three other local musicians, known as The Three Flashes, and auditioned to appear on Major Edward Bowes’ popular radio program, The Amateur Hour. The four musicians, now called The Hoboken Four, were accepted and appeared on the show on September 8, 1935, singing Mills Brothers’ song â€Å"Shine.†Their performance was so popular that 40,000 people called in their approval. With such a high approval rating, Major Bowes added the Hoboken Four to one of his amateur groups that toured the nation giving live shows. Performing at local theaters and for national radio audiences in late 1935, Sinatra upset the other band members by receiving the most attention. Homesick and rejected by the other band members, Sinatra left the band by spring 1936, returning home to live with his parents. Back home in New Jersey, Sinatra sang at Irish political rallies, Elks Club meetings, and Italian weddings in Hoboken. Desperate to break out of small-time gigs, Sinatra took the ferry into Manhattan and persuaded WNEW radio management to give him a try. They worked him into 18 spots per week. Sinatra hired a New York voice coach named John Quinlan for diction and voice lessons to help him lose his Jersey accent. In 1938, Sinatra became a singing waiter and master of ceremonies at the Rustic Cabin, a roadhouse near Alpine, New Jersey, for $15 per week. Every night the show was broadcast on the WNEW Dance Parade radio show. Women were becoming attracted to Sinatra for his way of communicating vulnerability on stage, not to mention his blue eyes that would focus on one girl then another. After Sinatra was arrested on a morals charge (a woman accused him of breach of promise) and the case was dismissed in court, Dolly told her son to marry Nancy, whom she thought would be good for him. Sinatra married Nancy on February 4, 1939. While Nancy worked as a secretary, Sinatra continued to sing at the Rustic Cabin and also on WNEWs five-day-weekly radio show Blue Moon. Cuts a Record In June 1939, Harry James of the Harry James Orchestra heard Sinatra singing on the radio and went to listen to him at the Rustic Cabin. Sinatra signed a two-year contract with James at $75 per week. The band played at the Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan and toured the East. In July 1939, Sinatra recorded â€Å"From the Bottom of My Heart,†which didn’t hit the charts, but the following month he recorded â€Å"All or Nothing at All,†which became a major hit. The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra was soon upstaging the Harry James Orchestra and Sinatra learned that Tommy Dorsey wanted to sign him. At the beginning of 1940, per Sinatra’s request to leave, Harry James graciously tore up Sinatra’s contract. At the age of 24, Sinatra was singing with the top big band in the nation. In June 1940, Sinatra was singing in Hollywood when his first child, Nancy Sinatra, was born in New Jersey. By the end of the year he had recorded 40 more singles, was touring the nation, singing on radio shows, and had appeared in Las Vegas Nights (1941), a feature-length movie featuring the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra in which Sinatra sang, â€Å"I’ll Never Smile Again†(another major hit). In May 1941, Billboard named Sinatra top male vocalist of the year. Goes Solo In 1942, Sinatra requested to leave the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra to pursue a solo career; however, Dorsey was not as forgiving as Harry James had been. The contract stipulated that Dorsey would be given one-third of Sinatra’s earnings as long as Sinatra was in the entertainment industry. Sinatra hired lawyers who represented the American Federation of Radio Artists to get him out of the contract. The lawyers threatened Dorsey with the cancellation of his NBC broadcasts. Dorsey was persuaded to take $75,000 to let Sinatra go. Embarking on his solo career, Sinatra was welcomed by the screams of 5,000 swooning â€Å"bobby-soxers†(the term for teenage girls of that era) at New York City’s Paramount Theater on December 30, 1942 (shattering Bing Crosby’s attendance record). Billed as â€Å"The Voice That Has Thrilled Millions,†his original two-week engagement was extended for eight additional weeks. Nicknamed â€Å"The Voice†by his new PR agent George B. Evans, Sinatra signed with Columbia Records in 1943. Signs Contract for Film Career In 1944, Sinatra started his film career with RKO studios. Wife Nancy gave birth to son Frank Jr. and the family moved to the West Coast. Sinatra appeared in Higher and Higher (1943) and Step Lively (1944). Louis B. Mayer bought his contract and Sinatra moved to MGM. The following year, Sinatra co-starred in Anchors Aweigh (1945) with Gene Kelly. He also starred in a short film on racial and religious tolerance titled, The House I Live In (1945), which won him an Honorary Academy Award in 1946. Also in 1946, Sinatra released his first studio album, The Voice of Frank Sinatra, and embarked on a cross-country tour. But in 1948, Sinatra’s popularity slumped due to rumors of an affair with Marilyn Maxwell, womanizing, a violent temper, and an association with the mob (which would always haunt him despite his denials). That same year, Sinatra’s daughter Christina was born. Career Slump and Rebound On February 14, 1950, Nancy Sinatra announced they were splitting due to her husband’s affair with actress Ava Gardner, resulting in more bad publicity. On April 26, 1950, Sinatra hemorrhaged his vocal cords on stage at the Copacabana. After his voice healed, Sinatra sang at the London Palladium accompanied by Gardner, whom he married in 1951. Things continued to go downhill for Sinatra when he was let go from MGM (due to adverse publicity), received some bad reviews on his latest records, and had his TV show canceled. It seemed to many that Sinatra’s popularity had waned and that he was a â€Å"has-been.†Down and out, Sinatra kept busy by hosting a couple of weekly radio shows and becoming a performer at the Desert Inn in the small desert town of Las Vegas. Sinatra’s marriage to Gardner was a passionate but stormy one and didn’t last long. With Sinatra’s career in a tailspin and Gardner’s career on the rise, the Sinatra-Gardner marriage ended when they separated in 1953 (the final divorce occurred in 1957). However, the two remained lifelong friends. Luckily for Sinatra, Gardner was able to help get him an audition for a major role in From Here to Eternity (1953), for which Sinatra not only got the part but also received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. The Oscar was a major career comeback for Sinatra. After a five-year career slump, Sinatra suddenly found himself in demand again. He signed a contract with Capitol Records and recorded â€Å"Fly Me to the Moon,†a major hit. He accepted a multi-million-dollar TV contract from NBC. In 1957, Sinatra signed with Paramount Studios and starred in Joker Is Wild (1957) to critical acclaim. A year later, Sinatra’s Come Fly With Me album reached No. 1 on the Billboard album chart and remained there for five weeks. The Rat Pack Once again popular, Sinatra didn’t turn his back on Las Vegas, which had welcomed him with open arms when everyone else had dejected him. By continuing to perform in Las Vegas, Sinatra brought in legions of tourists who came to see him and his movie-star friends (especially the Rat Pack) who would often come visit him on stage. The main members of the Rat Pack of the 1960s consisted of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford. The Rat Pack appeared (sometimes randomly together) on stage at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas; their sole purpose was to sing, dance, and roast each other on stage, creating excitement for tourists. Sinatra was nicknamed â€Å"Chairman of the Board†by his buddies. The Rat Pack starred in Ocean’s Eleven (1960), which was popular with the public. Sinatra starred in The Manchurian Candidate (1962), perhaps his best movie. It was withheld from complete distribution due to President John F. Kennedys assassination. In 1966, Sinatra recorded Strangers in the Night. The album was No. 1 for 73 weeks, with the title song receiving four Grammys. That same year, Sinatra married a 21-year-old soap-opera actress named Mia Farrow; however, the marriage ended after 16 months. Sinatra had apparently asked his wife to co-star with him in a movie called The Detective, but when filming overlapped for another movie she was starring in (and remained committed to), Rosemary’s Baby, Sinatra had her served with divorce papers. In 1969, Sinatra recorded â€Å"My Way,†which became his signature song. Retirement In 1971, Sinatra announced his (short-lived) retirement. By 1973 he was back in the studio recording his Ol’ Blue Eyes Is Back album. The following year, he returned to Las Vegas and performed at Caesar’s Palace. In 1976 he married Barbara Marx, his neighbor in Palm Springs who had been a Las Vegas showgirl married to Zeppo Marx; they remained married for the rest of Sinatra’s life. She toured with him worldwide and together they raised hundreds of millions of dollars for charities. Death In 1994, Sinatra performed his final public concert and was awarded the Legend Award at the 1994 Grammys. He made no further public appearances after suffering a heart attack in January 1997. On May 14, 1998, Sinatra died at the age of 82 in Los Angeles. Legacy Sinatra sold over 250 million records worldwide, received 11 Grammy Awards, and starred in 60 motion pictures during his career of seven decades. His influence on the music business remains undiminished, as his records continue to sell. Many of the films in which he appeared are considered classics, and a number have been remade. The Rat Pack and his songs such as My Way are still fused into the cultural fabric of the U.S. He lived a full life, about which countless books have been written. Mention his name today and he is still remembered as Ol Blue Eyes, a soulful crooner who certainly lived his life his way. Sources Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. â€Å"Frank Sinatra.† Encyclopedia Britannica, 18 Jan. 2019.Moore, Jeffrey I. â€Å"Frank Sinatra Quotes About Life, Love and New York.† Everyday Power Blog, Everyday Power Blog, 31 Jan. 2019.Staff, Legacy. â€Å"Frank Sinatra Did It His Way.† Legacy.com, Legacy.com, 7 June 2018.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What effects does free trade have on U.S. workers Essay
What effects does free trade have on U.S. workers - Essay Example Despite proponents of free trade claiming benefits in business, American workers however, in a 2004 survey by PIPA showed that only 25% of those surveyed in 1999 and 2004 has a positive impact that international trade has, revealing that 45-48% of those surveyed having a negative opinion regarding international trade on American workers (World Public Opinion.Org 1). The United States having entered into numerous free trade agreements, it is important to determine whether indeed these agreements proved beneficial to the labor sector and increased employment opportunity of US workers. Hence, this paper aims to present an overview of the various free trade agreements entered into by the United States, the pertinent labor provisions contained in these free trade agreements, the pertinent statistics on the US employment rate in the US as a result of the FTAs and finally, the paper hopes to give a conclusion as to the overall effect of free trade to US workers. United States was said to have entered into limited free trade agreements during the mid-1900s but entered into a comprehensive free trade agreement until late 1980s (Wade, 645). The United States entered into an agreement with Canada in 1854, called the Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty which aimed to eliminate tariff on natural resource imports on the part of the US, such as wheat and timber (Wade, 645). On the other hand, Canada gave the Americans fishing rights off Canada’s east coast (Wallace, 228). Canada had a rapid economic growth, with the exports to the US growing by 33 percent as a result of the treaty (Wallace, 228). Exports of the US however, increased only by 7 percent, thus in 1866, US decided to end the treaty (Wallace, 228). Despite the result of such treaty, the US entered into another free trade agreement in January of 1989 with Canada, called Canadian-United States Free Trade Agreement (Vancouver Career College, 1). The agreement focused on gaining more access to the US economy, in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Past Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction Research Paper
Past Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction - Research Paper Example Terrorism is a multi-causal phenomenon (Sommer, 2010) and involves a combination of varied factors including psychological, social, cultural, political, economic, as well as religious. Hence explaining the action in a concise and restricted definition would be highly erroneous and disillusioning. For the purpose of this study the term WMD would be defined to include any act of terrorism by an individual or an organization carried out on a large scale using chemical, biological or other weapons intended to cause irreparable damage to the property and lives of human beings; and disrupt the economic and social structure of the targeted region. Researchers have suggested various factors as key causes behind such acts of aggression, in a bid to understand the psyche of the terrorists. These factors range from local ethnic clashes to public outrage and dissent against international forces mainly arising due to differences in religious and cultural ideologies (Cordesman, 1989; DiGiovanni, 1999). Most of the researchers are of the opinion that most of such acts are carried out by individuals or groups belonging to terrorist organizations with a view to achieving their organizational missions (Gambetta, 2006). The use of WMD by terrorists has been in existence for several decades now and continues to remain as a potential threat to the United States as well as rest of the world. This paper aims to assess and analyze the use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists by way of various case studies.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Wild Animals As Pets Essay Example for Free
Wild Animals As Pets Essay How many of you have ever said you wanted a pet monkey when you were at the zoo last time? Or imagined how great it would be to have a tiger sleep at the foot of your bed instead of just a dog? That all sounds wonderful at first but how many people do you know that have ever had an exotic pet and not regretted it immediately? Its not really as great as you think. According to the Human Society of the United States in one of their recent surveys, 90% of exotic pets die within the first year and 90% of the remainder die in the second year. That means that only 1% lives past the age of two. Every year wild animals seriously hurt or kill people, usually their owners or family members. Big cats have killed many children and even grown men, not to mention the dogs’ people think their cougar will be friends with, they never survive. Monkeys are always the pet people wish they could have. However, they can never be trained, tamed, or basically domesticated like people think. Take Louie for example, a Black-capped capuchin born in August 2004. He was bought by a family in Chicago when he was just a baby. Within months he had bitten their daughter several times severely, but when he finally bit a child outside the family, his life was in danger. Louies owner found herself in court fighting against the parents of the child who demanded that his head be sent off for rabies testing.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Colonialism and Imperialism - European Ideals in Heart of Darkness and
Hollowness of European Ideals Exposed in Heart of Darkness and The Hollow Men   Kurtz occupies a peculiar position in Conrad's Heart of Darkness and T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men." "Mr. Kurtz, he dead" is the epigraph to "The Hollow Men." Eliot draws an obvious allusion to Kurtz, the morally hollow man in Heart of Darkness. Left to his own devices, Kurtz commits appalling acts such as shrinking human heads and performing terrible sacrifices. Kurtz is armed with only the dubious sense of moral superiority of his culture and the desire to civilize the natives (Dahl 34). This front quickly crumbles when faced with the noble yet savage ways offered by Africa. The crumbling front only leaves a hollow void of desired ideas and morals. This hollowness is what Eliot builds on to develop his own idea of hollowness. Kurtz is an apt example of the hollowness of European ideals that Eliot wanted to expose. T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" uses Conrad's Kurtz to enforce the idea of hollowness found in contemporary Western thought, because Kurtz is a "model European" and rep resents the ideas of the modern Western Everyman.  Kurtz is a prototypal European thinker and citizen. He is the product of idealistic, progressive, and optimistic thought (Dahl 34). Kurtz is a Renaissance man, being a musician, a painter, a journalist, and a "universal genius" (71). So well does Kurtz perform all his duties, Marlow never figures out Kurtz's true occupation. Marlow can envision Kurtz as a "painter who wrote for the papers" as well as a "journalist who could paint" (71). Kurtz's universal talent extends to the field of politics, where he could have been a "splendid leader of an extreme party," in fact of any party (71). Kurtz was highly respected... ...rmany and later in Vietnam and Cambodia (Anderson 404). In all likelihood, Heart of Darkness was just a prelude to the atrocities that could be committed with the continuance of European thought as it was. Eliot explicitly says one of the themes to Part V is "the present decay of Eastern Europe" (Roessel 55). Eliot built on this theme of moral hollowness in "The Hollow Men," by having Kurtz and his actions be representative of contemporary European thought.  Works Cited Anderson, Walter E. "Heart of Darkness: The Sublime Spectacle. University of Toronto Quarterly 57(3) (1998): 404-421. Dahl, James C. "Kurtz, Marlow, Conrad and the Human Heart of Darkness". Studies in the Literary Imagination 1(2) (1968): 33-40. Roessel, David. "Guy Fawkes Day and the Versailles Peace in 'The Hollow Men'. English Language Notes 28(1) (1990): 52-58.  Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alternative energy or carbon sequestration
Since the beginning of civilization, man has always tried to resource his surrounding for his own benefits and needs. In the early times, man sufficed his need for energy by using wood in terms of fire for cooking and other purposes.As and when the technology started developing we started venturing into the field of advanced sciences for extracting maximum energy for population needs. Fossil fuels have been the greatest source of energy that has been exploited for a very long time. But in the time of growing population and global warming reaching new peaks every year, the time for alternative process of energy has come.One of the major challenges faced by today’s world is the sequential balancing between the impact on the climate and nature due to global warming and the immediate requirement of sufficing energy needs to vast and demanding population. To wriggle out of this situation, consideration has to be given on alternatives that can balance the equation and be beneficial for a longer term. Carbon sequestration is one of the latest technologies that have been put to use for the very same purpose. It is a process which would greatly reduce the carbon emission from high industrial belts and would to a great extent decelerate the process of global warming.The system or its principle works on two stages; first is capturing the carbon dioxide from the environment and then storing in soil or oceans. However this technology or this scientific innovation is pretty much new and the process of capturing carbon dioxide is on far later stages than the technological advancement on the process of storing it. The primary stage of capturing works on the simple principle of photosynthesis in plants. The carbon dioxide is taken by plants from the environment and it gives out oxygen back to the atmosphere.The carbon that is left within the plant is amalgamated into biomass and is very promptly released into the soil. It is estimated that there is a lot of carbon in the soil compared to the environment and due to which the concept of carbon sequestration seems validated when it transfuses carbon deep in the soil. The following will give evidence on the amount of carbon already existing in the soil, due to natural integration: ‘According to the FAO the carbon content of dry land soils is estimated to be 4 tons/hectare. Carbon content ranges between 7 tons and 24 tons in normal (non-depleted) soils, depending on the climate zone and vegetation’.(Courtesy: Eco preservation society, â€Å"Carbon Sequestration and Storage in Soils Could Solve Global Warming†. June 19, 2008. Retrieved on November 27, 2008 from http://ecopreservationsociety. wordpress. com/2008/06/19/carbon-sequestration-and-storage-in-soils-could-solve-global-warming/? referer=sphere_related_content/) The technology of capturing carbon works on similar principle of photosynthesis where the carbon dioxide is taken into capture by the utilization of the syn gas on reac tors and coal emitting industries. This reaction takes place before the carbon dioxide is mixed with the atmosphere.Capturing of the carbon can also be done in two stages and i. e. pre combustion capture and post combustion capture. The process of carbon capturing is still in its novice stages and has been categorized in forms of storage procedures. Carbon can be stored in oceans in a liquid storage procedure; it can be stored real deep in saline formations and already utilized gas fields. The advantage of storing it in exhausted gas fields is that carbon helps retrieve the little percentage of fossil fuels which was out of reach becomes and due to this sequestration process it very much possible.Also there is a procedure which is minimally used, in which it can just be stored in a solid form. However to survive in this planet with depleting natural energy resources, a cleaner form of energy is very much the immediate necessity. The crisis of fuel can be only understood from the fac t that one of the major reasons of the world today going to recession is because of high fuel prices. Not only we are losing from an energy perspective but this depletion is causing havoc in the financial markets alongside bringing down economies.The most surprising aspect of the world is that even when we had the biggest source of energy no proper advancement is done in the field of solar energy. The sun has the biggest potential to run the entire planet on the energy its providing yet only little development have been done in the field of solar energy. The sun’s energy can be basically converted into photovoltaic energy or can be put in terms of cells where the energy can be stored and then utilized. This technology makes the solar energy more producible in terms of a cleaner energy and gives an edge over all the sources of energy.To add to the advantage, solar tracking devices can be adjusted with the solar panels, so that maximum solar energy can be grasped in terms of in tensity and the solar panels can integrate themselves to a degree where the sun is at its highest. NASA uses this technology for hovering satellites around earth and if this energy is used in more periodic and systematic way, it can challenge any source of energy to its fullest. The following highlights the advantage of solar energy in terms of market and competitive edge over countries rich in oil:‘This would automatically boost the market for renewable energy. Even countries with conventional energy reserves would lose their current cost advantages’ (Courtesy: Hermann Scheer, and Andrew Ketley, â€Å"The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future†. Page 307. Retrieved on November 27, 2008. Published by Earthscan, 2004) The wind energy is also another source of clean energy. But this energy gets its limitations as it is suppose to have wind run at least 14 miles per hour for it to produce energy.Also unlike solar energy which can be used in cars, with the help of solar panels, it would become tedious for wind energy to be implemented. For this world to have an alternative it is better first to focus on an alternate form of energy especially in the lines of solar energy over carbon sequestration. The major reason behind it is carbon in the end has to be released in the atmosphere with the cutting of forests and tilling of agricultural land. Also when carbon storing is done in water it increases the chances of acidification of water by a huge margin, making the storage process more vulnerable.Also if carbon sequestration is done on a natural basis by the mean of planting more trees than it becomes a very slow process and the following can shed light on this issue: ‘Trees grow very slowly, although the potential to sequester carbon is very large, the actual carbon sequestration rate on an annual basis is very small especially for temperate climate found in climatic zones like Canada’. (Courtesy: Jagtar S. Bha tti, R Lal, M. J. Apps, M A Price, â€Å"Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems†. Page-99. Retrieved on November 27, 2008.Published by CRC Press, 2006) The fact that solar energy should be more emphasized than carbon sequestration is that both the technologies haven’t reached their required advancement, and the amount of time taken to reach the pinnacle of the technology would approximately take the same time, which makes an alternative form of energy a better and viable option for top recommendation than a technology that is only going to rotate carbon from the atmosphere into soil or ocean, which in the end might get recycled back in the atmosphere.Reference: 1) Eco preservation society, â€Å"Carbon Sequestration and Storage in Soils Could Solve Global Warming†. June 19, 2008. http://ecopreservationsociety. wordpress. com/2008/06/19/carbon-sequestration-and-storage-in-soils-could-solve-global-warming/? referer=sphere_related_content/ 2) Hermann Scheer, and And rew Ketley, â€Å"The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future†. Page 307. 2008.Published by Earthscan, 2004 3) Jagtar S. Bhatti, R Lal, M. J. Apps, M A Price, â€Å"Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems†. Page-99. Published by CRC Press, 2006 4) Jeffrey Gordon, â€Å"Solar Energy: The State of the Art†. International Solar Energy Society. Published by Earthscan, 2001 5) Thomas E Lovejoy, Lee Hannah, â€Å"Climate Change and Biodiversity†. Published by TERI Press 6) http://www. fossil. energy. gov/programs/sequestration/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Madam & Eve
The story takes place in South Africa. The main characters are Madam Eve and her daughter, Thandi. During the apatheid Eve was Madam's slave, since the end they remained good friends. 1. It is the first school day for Thandi a black young girl. Her mother and madam and Madam accompanies her to the entrance of school and say her to enjoy herself. 2. Thandi meets two school young-boy-white. 3. One asks Thandi for what she is here. And the other one adds that this school was a great school until people as Thandi arrives. 4. By far Madam and Eve look at the scene and think Thandi is again a victim of rascisme. 5. Madam querels them, by explaining them that now it is the new South Africa. Where blacks and whites live together and have the same rights. 6. The boys are surprised of reactions of the ladies. Because the problem is not the skin colour of thandi, but the fact whether she is a girl. Cause this school used to an all-boys school. 7. A third black little boy makes his appearance. To show and press on the fact that the blacks are not a problem in this school but the girls yes! Furthermore for them the girls are Yucky !! 8. Madam et Eve Smile 9. But Thandi does not want that they get away like that. Conclusion : To conclude, we can say that this comic strip raises the new problem of this society, the sexism.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
the leadership moment essays
the leadership moment essays The Leadership Moment is a collection of "nine true stories of triumph and disaster and their lessons for us all." The stories are familiar: Eugene Kranz and Apollo 13; John Gutfreund and Salomon Brothers; Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and the Civil War, to name a few. The stories are drawn from the past and present, represent a wide-range of challenges that include both natural and man-made disasters, and illustrate lessons of success and failure. The author, Michael Useem, is the director of the Wharton Schools Center for Leadership and Change Management. He does a superb job of relating the events and definitive moments of each narrative. Events unfold with the right mix of facts and drama to keep the reader interested. Lessons, or implications as Useem calls them, are woven throughout the narratives. Charts and pictures supplement the text where appropriate. The nine stories are sandwiched by an introduction and conclusion. All the implications presented in the book, about 40, are summarized in a final chapter called "A Leader's Guide." The book assumes that much can be learned about leadership by the successes and failures of others. The author's concluding chapter extracts nine leadership principles from the nine leadership moments: know yourself, explain yourself, expect much, gain commitment, build now, prepare yourself, move fast, find yourself, and remain steadfast. The Leadership Moment reads like an adventure novel. Even the books cover, mountain climbers trudging up a foreboding slope, promotes a sense of intrigue and danger. Useem is a great storyteller. His selection of narratives provokes many thoughts about leadership triumphs and disasters. My only real frustrations with the book stem from the implications and the nine leadership principles. The 40 implications that Useem introduces across the nine chapters can overwhelm a reader. Even though he summarizes them in the Leadershi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Average SAT Scores by State (Most Recent)
Average SAT Scores by State (Most Recent) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips More than a million students across the country take the SAT each year. So what do SAT scores by state look like? How do you stack up against other test takers in your state? Finally, what are some interesting state facts- for example, which state has the highest SAT score? The lowest SAT score? The highest rate of participation? It's the battle of the states, SAT edition. Find out your state's average SAT scores and other fun facts in this article! What Is the National Average SAT Score? Before we get into the SAT averages by state, let's quickly go over the SAT scoring system as well as what the overall average SAT score in the US currently is. As you probably know, the SAT is made up of three sections: Reading, Writing and Language (also just called Writing), and Math. The Math section is scored on a scale of 200-800, while the Reading and Writing sections are combined to give you a final Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score on a scale of 200-800. By combining these two sections, we get atotal SAT score rangeof400-1600, with 1600 being a perfect score. Now that we've got this down, let's take a look the national average SAT score. In 2018, the College Board reported the following average SAT scores: Total: 1068 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW): 536 Math: 531 As you can see, the average scores for EBRW and Math are quite close. These then add up to get a total SAT average score that's around the halfway point of the total score range (400-1600). But what are the average SAT scores by state? Keep reading to learn some interesting trends and to see the notable top spots held by different states! State SAT Awards We'll start with the states that have won our "State SAT Awards." The categories for these are as follows: Highest SAT Score Highest SAT Score With Over 20% Participation Team Players (100% Participation) Lowest SAT Score Most Variation Between SAT Sections All data below comes from the College Board's 2018 SAT state reports. Highest Score: Minnesota (SAT Score: 1298) Minnesota takes the cake for highest average SAT score with 1298. This is 230 points higher than the national average! But wait- Minnesota also has lower test participation than 78% of the US at 4%. In other words, just 2,464 seniors took the test in 2018. Because more students in Minnesota take the ACT than they do the SAT, Minnesota's high average SAT score likely means that only the most prepared, ambitious high schoolers take the SAT. These students tend to score higher, effectively raising the state's average. But what if we look instead at states with a significant participation rate- that is, a state in which more than 20% of students take the SAT? The winner for that SAT award is ... Highest Score With Over 20% Participation: Arizona (SAT Score: 49, with 29% Participation) Great achievement here! With more than 20,000 students in the class of 2018 taking the SAT here, Arizona is truly outperforming the national average. Team Players (100% Participation): Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, and Michigan In Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, and Michigan, every student took the SAT. This usually means that thesestates require all high school students to take the SATas part of normal high school testing. In addition, four other states- Illinois, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island- as well as the District of Columbiaoffered the SAT statewide during the 2017-18 school year. But because the testwasn't mandatory for all students in these states for the entire school year, participation rates here are below 100%. The highest participation rate for non-mandatory testing goes to Florida, at 97%. Lowest Score: District of Columbia (SAT Score: 977) Unfortunately, the District of Columbia underperforms the national average by more than 90 points. Also ranking at the bottom are other states with statewide SAT testing (Delaware and Idaho) as well as West Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. From the data, it's reasonable to conclude that statewide testing causes lower scores because it includes all seniors andnot just those planning to apply to college. The lowest SAT score for a non-mandatory state is 1014 in Florida. While Florida is only in the top 18% of the country as far as participation goes (97% participation rate), it's important to point out that this is still a huge number of students, as the population of Florida is so large. In 2018, 147,058 students took the SAT in Florida. This number is much higher than the number of test takers in other states with comparable SAT participation rates, such as Rhode Island (97% participation rate, 10,161 students) and New Hampshire (96% participation rate, 14,834 students). So even though only 97% of students took the SAT in Florida, there's still plenty of room for variation within these nearly 150,000 students' scores. Most Variation Between Sections: Florida (520 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, 497 Math) With a participation rate of 97%, Florida also has the greatest difference between SAT section scores of all states. On average, Florida students score 29 points higher on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) than they do on Math. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! List of All Average State SAT Scores Here are the most recent average SAT scores for all 50 statesas well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Find your area below and see how your SAT score compares with your region's average! State Participation Rate EBRW Math Total Alabama 6% 595 571 66 Alaska 43% 562 544 06 Arizona 29% 577 572 49 Arkansas 5% 592 576 69 California 60% 540 536 1076 Colorado 100% 519 506 1025 Connecticut 100% 535 519 1053 Delaware 100% 505 492 998 District of Columbia 92% 497 480 977 Florida 97% 522 493 1014 Georgia 70% 542 522 1064 Hawaii 56% 550 549 1099 Idaho 100% 508 493 1001 Illinois 99% 513 506 1019 Indiana 67% 546 539 1086 Iowa 3% 634 632 1265 Kansas 4% 633 631 1265 Kentucky 4% 630 618 1248 Louisiana 4% 615 595 1210 Maine 99% 512 501 1013 Maryland 76% 545 535 1080 Massachusetts 80% 562 563 25 Michigan 100% 5 499 10 Minnesota 4% 643 655 1298 Mississippi 3% 630 606 1236 Missouri 4% 633 629 1262 Montana 10% 606 592 1229 Nebraska 3% 629 623 1252 Nevada 23% 574 566 40 New Hampshire 96% 535 528 1063 New Jersey 82% 547 547 1094 New Mexico 16% 552 540 1093 New York 79% 534 534 1068 North Carolina 52% 554 543 1098 North Dakota 2% 640 643 1283 Ohio 18% 552 547 1099 Oklahoma 8% 541 521 1062 Oregon 48% 564 553 17 Pennsylvania 70% 547 539 1086 Puerto Rico - 512 481 993 Rhode Island 97% 513 505 1018 South Carolina 55% 547 523 1070 South Dakota 3% 622 618 1241 Tennessee 6% 624 607 1231 Texas 66% 520 512 1032 Utah 4% 618 612 1230 Vermont 64% 565 554 20 Virgin Islands - 490 445 935 Virginia 68% 567 550 17 Washington 69% 543 538 1082 West Virginia 28% 513 486 999 Wisconsin 3% 641 653 1294 Wyoming 3% 633 635 1257 Source: The College Board What's Next? Confused about SAT scoring? Learn more about how the SAT is scored,and get tips onhow to figure out your SAT goal score based on the schools you're applying to. Wondering what it takes to get a perfect SAT score? I scored a perfect SAT scoreand wrote a detailed guide about what it takes here.Read this to learn all of my best strategies- and to get a 1600 on test day! If you liked this post, make sure youscroll up and subscribe on the right hand sideso you can stay up-to-date with our SAT/ACT articles! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Introduction to economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introduction to economics - Assignment Example In this way, economic power is widely dispersed. But in a planned or command economy, resources are publicly owned and economic decisions are made through central economic planning. This is because a central planning board determines major economic decisions. In free market economy, the individual freedom is valued and motivation comes from each agent’s self-interest in maximizing their income through individual decision-making. Buyers can freely choose what goods and services to purchase and at what price while sellers can freely decide what goods and services to produce and in what quantity. As to a planned economy, business firms are owned and controlled by the government, so they produce according to the central planning board’s directives. Free market economy is an economic system in which trading and exchange of goods, services and information takes place in a free market (Economywatch.com 2011, par.1). This means that under this economic system, markets are guided by the â€Å"invisible hands†. Law of supply and demand set market prices and all individuals in the economy have full knowledge about it. Individual decisions and preferences are communicated and coordinated through the mechanism of the market system. Government is kept from interfering within the economy as any interference may disturb the efficient functioning of the market system. Their role is limited to private property and making appropriate legal framework in which free market functions. The advocates of planned economy do not agree with this as they see the market as imperfect and therefore they recommend government intervention to correct market failures. Production targets for each firm are set by the central planning board including the amount of resources to be allocated. Even the distribution of output is determined and planned centrally. Both free market economy and planned economy have their advantages and disadvantages. The Great Depression was being blamed to the imperfect market system and inefficient business cycle. So, the United States government tried to intervene in the economy but still the effects of economic recession in 2008 was felt by most of the economies in the world. Because of these, most economies of the world are applying the mixed economic system, mixing the characteristics of a free market economy with a command economy. Real world economies are arrayed between the extremes of free market and planned economy (McConnell and Brue 1993, p.31). The United States economy, for example, leans toward free market system which is basically structured with the principles of economic freedom but the government plays an active role in promoting economic stability and growth, in providing goods and services which are either underproduced or not produced at all by the market system and in modifying the distribution of income. While some command or planned economies before like China and India are now economically successfu l after following the principles of market oriented economy system. This means that the mixed economy is more conducive to efficiency in the use of resources, stability of output and employment and rapid economic growth because even if the government has some level of regulatory control over the markets, the decisions are still left to the buyers and sellers in the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Compare and contrast two developmental approaches to the study of Essay
Compare and contrast two developmental approaches to the study of developmental psychology. You must refer to research and theory in your answer - Essay Example Contrastingly, developmental psychologists who emphasized learning theories, such as Lev Vygotsky, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura focus on the role of environment more than on the part played by biology. The diverse theories are based on different assumptions, but are similar in some respects (Sigelman & Rider, 2006: 49). The two developmental approaches which are chosen for comparison in this paper are those of Erikson (1902-1994) and Piaget (1896-1987). The similarities and differences between their theories will be examined, including the extent to which nature versus nurture play a part. On the nature side of the nature-nurture controversy, the nativist belief is that human development is determined by innate factors such as genetic endowment and brain maturation. On the nurture side, also known as empirism, development is considered as the result of experience and learning. Although there are some biologically based limits on behaviour and cognition, the â€Å"brains are open, dynamic information processors that are receptive to sociocultural influences†(Kitayama & Cohen, 2007: 528). According to Jean Piaget’s theory, the development of intelligence in children progresses through a series of four stages based on age and concurrent biological changes and maturation. This leads to the child demonstrating a higher level of cognitive functioning at each successive stage, as compared to the previous stage (Videbeck, 2007: 61). The stages of development are not universal, since cultural differences exist. However, the mechanisms that underlie cognitive development are considered to be universal (Pressley & McCormick, 2007: 89). 1. The sensorimotor stage: This extends from birth to two years. The child develops a sense of self, differentiated from the environment, and develops the concept of object permanence. That is, a perception of the existence of tangible objects even
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How fast-food has a significant impact in Childhood obesity Research Paper
How fast-food has a significant impact in Childhood obesity - Research Paper Example How fast-food has a significant impact in Childhood obesity? Childhood obesity is a serious/major public health concern and it currently getting a great amount of attention because of its wider economic impacts, as well as the long term consequences on children’s overall health, quality of life, academic achievements and productivity as they turn into adults. Fortunately, latest findings point out that the growth in the proportion of children categorized as obese or overweight has finally leveled off. Nevertheless, rates of obesity and overweight still remain high. â€Å"Almost 35% of children aged 6 to 19 years are overweight and roughly 19% are obese†. Taking health into consideration, the effects of obesity among children include coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic abnormalities and respiratory problems. One of the fields of the food industry, which is being held responsible for the prevalence of childhood obesity, is the FAFH – food-away-from-home – sector, in essence, the fast food industry. From the late 70’s till the mid 90’s, the volume of foods consumed away from home went up considerably from 16% to 29%. The eating patterns of children, particularly those in school, have echoed the fast growth of the FAFH industry. In the late 70’s, children obtained roughly 20% of their caloric intake from food FAFH sources. The data obesity surveys conducted from 2003 to 2006 show that food-away-from-home was liable for 35% of children’s caloric intake. A number of surveys have argued that children who take more fast-food have much lower dietary quality are also expected to be obese or overweight. This paper will discuss how fast-food has a significant impact in Childhood obesity. Background Whereas the main motivation of centering on children is the accessibility of geographically explicit information on weight measures for an extremely big sample, children are a significant group to research in their own right. â€Å"Among school aged chi ldren, 6-19 rates of overweight have soared from about 5% in the early 1970s to 16%, in 1999-2002†(Currie et al. 5). These rates are of significant concern provided that children who are obese are most expected to be obese or overweight as grownups and are gradually suffering from illnesses related to overweight when still young. Critics of the fast food sector point to a number of features, which might make fast food less healthy compared to other types of FAFH. These comprise of low time and monetary costs, high calorie levels of signature menu items and large portions. For sure, energy densities for personal food items are normally too high that it would be hard for people consuming them not to go past their normally recommended dietary intakes (Currie et al. 6). A number of consumers might be specifically defenseless. In two randomized practical trials concerning 26 overweight and 28 normal-weight children, Sinclair et al. (2833) contrasted caloric intakes on â€Å"unres tricted fast-food days,†as well as â€Å"no fast-food days.†The researchers found out that overweight children had much higher caloric intakes on â€Å"fast-food days†compared to â€Å"none fast-food days. The main fast food chains are also concerned in aggressive advertising to children. One particular experimental study of children aged three to five years provided them identical pairs of beverages and foods, the only distinction being that some foods were packaged by McDonalds (Robinson et al. 792). Data Sources and Summary Statistics Data for this paper came from three sources: school data and restaurant data. School Data The data on children from this study came from Californian schools from the late 90 and early 2000s up to 2007. The study of mostly 9th graders, which the paper centers on, represents 3.6 million student-year observations. In California, during spring, 9th graders are normally given fitness assessment test,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Properties of Poly(B-amino Ester)s
Properties of Poly(B-amino Ester)s The poly(b-amino ester)s, a class of biodegradable cationic polymers, were firstly prepared by Chiellini in 198340. These polymers were based on poly(amidoamine)s developed in 1970 by Ferruti41, that contain tertiary amines in their backbones and can be synthesized by a simple Michael addition reaction of bifunctional amines and bisacrylamides. However, the interest over the use of poly(b-amino ester)s rised significantly after its use as transfection reagent at Langer Lab in 200042. The development of poly(b-amino ester)s emerged by the need to develop a cationic polymer for gene delivery with high transfection efficiency and long-term biocompatibility including hydrolyzable moieties easily degradable into non-toxic small molecule byproducts. The synthesis of this polymer can easily be accomplished: without necessity of independent preparation of specialized monomers; the use of stoichiometric amounts of expensive coupling reagents, or amine protecti on strategies prior to polymerization42. The main general objective of the work of mentioned research group was to develop a polymer-based non-viral vector more efficient and less cytotoxic than other cationic polymers used at that time for this purpose (such as, polyethylenimine (PEI) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL)). In fact, poly(b-amino ester) approach exhibited a particularly attractive basis for the development of new polymer-based transfection vectors for several reasons: the polymers contain the required amines (positive charges to complex genetic material); readily degradable linkages (by hydrolysis of ester bonds in the polymer backbones may increase the biodegradability and biocompatibility); and multiple analogues could be synthesized directly from compounds commercially available (easy and inexpensive synthesis) allowing to tune polymer properties (like buffering capacity)42. Besides being used as transfection vector, PbAEs has been also applied in others biomedical areas, such as delivery systems for drugs43;44 or proteins45;46, magnetic resonance imaging agents47;48, or as scaffold for tissue engineering49;50. Synthesis and main physicochemical properties of poly(b-amino ester)s The poly(b-amino ester)s are easily synthesized by the conjugate addition of a primary amine or bis(secondary amine) and a diacrylate, in a one-step reaction without any side product that need be removed through further purification steps. It can be prepared without solvents, catalysts, or complex protecting group strategies42;51. Depending on the ratio of monomers during the synthesis, poly(b-amino ester)s can be tailored to have either amine- or diacrylate-terminated chains. An excess of either diacrylate or amine monomer results in a prevalence of acrylate- or amineterminated poly(b-amino ester)s, respectively52;53. The synthesis is performed either neat (solvent free) or in anhydrous organic solvents to mitigate hydrolytic degradation during synthesis42;54. Normally, experiments using solvents occur at lower temperature and over long periods of time compared to solvent-free formulations. Table 1.3 summarizes the main reactions for the synthesis of PbAE and the obtained properties such as molecular weight, polydispersity index (à ), solvent solubility or yield. The most common solvents used are dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), chloroform (CHCl3), or dichloromethane (CH2Cl2)57. However, others solvents have also been used, such as methanol, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA)59;61–63. The solvent used has influence on the final molecular weight of the PbAE. For example, the use of CH2Cl2 typically yields higher molecular weight polymer compared to THF42. On the other hand, solvent-free polymerizations maximize monomer concentrations, thus favoring the intermolecular addition over intramolecular cyclization reaction64. The absence of solvent also allows rising temperature resulting in a higher reaction rate and a lower viscosity of the reacting mixture, assisting to compensate the higher viscosity found on the solvent-free systems. The combination between increased monomer concentration and reaction temperature resulting in a reduction in the reaction time64. The solvent-free reactions also allows the generation of higher molecular weight polymers, besides increasing the reaction rate and obviating the solvent removal step53;64. After polymerization, PbAE can be precipitated, normally in cold diethyl ether, hexane42, ether65 or ethyl ether58 and/or then dried under vacuum57;65. Frequently, PbAEs are immediately used or stored in the cold conditions (4 _C52;66;67, 0 _C62, or -20 _C68–70). Some PbAEs should be also kept airproof due to its strong moisture absorption ability and easy degradation71. Concerning to the biodegradation and biocompatibility, PbAEs have been shown generally to possess low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility42;52;61;55;72. Different studies have suggested that PbAEs are significantly less toxic than currently available cationic polymers, such as, PEI and PLL51;64. Nevertheless, the increase of the number of carbons in the backbone or side chain is associated to the increase of the cytotoxicity73. PbAE degrade under physiological conditions via hydrolysis of their backbone ester bonds to yield small molecular weight b-amino acids biologically inert derivatives42;51;55;74. Some results revealed that the degradation rate of poly(b amino ester)s was highly dependent on the hydrophilicity of the polymer, i.e., the more hydrophilic the polymer is, the faster the degradation occurs75;76. In Table 1.4 are summarized the main characteristic of PbAEs which make them a promising polymeric non-viral vector for gene delivery. Combinatorial libraries a fast and efficient way to evaluate different poly(bamino ester)s A fast and efficient way to study the relationships between structure and function in particular material that could be prepared with different reagents is using combinatorial libraries. Due to promising preliminar results of PbAEs as non-viral vectors, Langer research group reported a parallel approach for the synthesis of hundreds of PbAEs with different structures and the application of these libraries to a rapid and high throughput identification of new transfection reagents and structure-function trends. For this purpose, major contributions have been reported52;53;57;66;67;72;75;77;78 not only exploring the possible structure/function relationships, but also imposing an assortment of monomers (amines were denoted by numbers and acrylates by latin alphabet letters) used in order to facilitate cataloging of different PbAEs (Table 1.5 and Tables A.1 and A.2 (Appendix A)). The first initial library screening was synthesized in 2001 by Lynn51. 140 Different PbAEs from 7 diacrylates and 20 amines were prepared with molecular weights between 2,000 and 50,000 g.mol-1. From this, polymers C93 (Mw = 3180 g.mol-1) and G28 (Mw = 9170 g.mol-1) revealing transfection levels 4-8 times higher than control experiments employing PEI. At same time, it was observed that for transfection efficiency, high molecular weight was not an important parameter. This work was then completed in 2003 by Akinc57, where biophysical properties and the ability of each polymer/DNA complex to overcome important cellular barriers to gene deliver were investigated. As previous experiments, complexes formed from polymers C93 and G28, revealed higher levels of internalization compared to †naked†DNA, displaying 18- and 32-fold more internalization, respectively. In contrast, the majority of the polyplexes were found to be uptake-limited. Regarding d iameter and zeta potential, out of 10 polymer/DNA complexes with the highest internalization rates, all had diameters lower than 250 nm and 9 had positive zeta potentials. By measuring the pH environment of delivered DNA through fluorescence-based flow cytometry protocol using plasmid DNA covalently labeled with fluorescein (pH sensitive) and Cy5 (pH insensitive) it was possible to investigate the lysosomal trafficking of the polyplexes. The results demonstrated that complexes based on polymers C93 and G28 were found to have near neutral pH measurements, indicating that they were able to avoid acidic lysosomal trafficking. In the same year, Akinc64 studied the effect of polymer molecular weight, polymer chain end-group, and polymer/DNA ratios on in vitro gene delivery. For this purpose, 12 different structures were synthesized based only in two different PbAE (C28 prepared from 1,4-butanediol diacrylate and 1-aminobutanol and E28 prepared from 1,6 -hexanediol diacrylate and 1-aminobutanol) (Figure 1.6.) These structures were synthesized by varying amine/diacrylate stoichiometric ratios, resulting in PbAEs with either acrylate or amine end-groups and with molecular weights ranging from 3,350 to 18,000 g.mol-1. Polymers were then tested, using high throughput methods, at nine different polymer/DNA ratios between 10/1 (w/w) and 150/1 (w/w). Concerning terminal groups, it was found that amino-terminated polymers transfected cells more effectively than acrylate-terminated polymers. In contrast, none of the acrylate terminated PbAEs mediated appreciable levels of transfection activity under any of the assessed conditions. These findings suggest that end-chains of PbAE have crucial importance in transfection activity. Concerning molecular weight effect, highest levels of transfection occurred using the higher molecular weight samples of both amine-terminated C28 (Mw _13100 g.mol-1 and E28 (Mw _13400 g.mol-1). Regarding the optimal polymer/DNA ratios for these polymers, it was observed a markedly difference, 150/1 (w/w) for C28 and 30/1 for E28. These results highlighted the importance of polymer molecular weight, polymer/DNA ratio, and the chain end-groups in gene transfection activity. Moreover, it has found the fact that two similar polymer structures, differing only by two carbons in the repeating unit, have different optimal transfection parameters emphasizing the usefulness of library screening to perform these optimizations for each unique polymer structure. Meanwhile, in 2003, Anderson52 described, for the first time, a high-throughput and semi-automated methodology using fluid-handling systems for the synthesis and screening of a library of PbAEs to be used as gene carrier. A crucial feature of these methods was that all process of synthesis, storage, and cell-based assays were performed without removing solvent (DMSO). By using these methods, it was possible to synthesize a library of 2350 structurally unique, degradable and cationic polymers in a single day and then test those as transfection reagent at a rate of _1000 per day. Among PbAEs tested, it was identified 46 polymers that transfect in COS-7 as good as or better than PEI. The common characteristic among them was the use of a hydrophobic diacrylate monomer. Moreover, in the hit structures mono- or dialcohol side groups and linear, bis(secondary amines) are over represented. From data obtained from this library, Anderson67, in 2004, continued his study developing a new polymer library of >500 PbAE using monomers that led higher transfection efficiency in the previous studies and optimizing their polymerization conditions. The top performing polyplexes were asses sed by using an in vitro high-throughput transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity assays at different N/P ratios. As previously observed, the most promising polymers are based on hydrophobic acrylates and amines with alcohol groups. Among those, C32 stood out due to higher transfection activity with no associated cytotoxicity. The efficiency to deliver DNA was evaluated in mice after intra-tumoral (i.t.) and intra-muscular (i.m.) injection. The results revealed important differences. While by i.t injection C32 delivered DNA 4-fold better than jetPEI R , a commercial polymeric non-viral vector, by i.m. administration transfection was rarely observed. C32 was then assessed for DNA construct encoding the DT-A (DT-A DNA) deliver to cells in culture and to xenografts derived from androgen-sensitive human prostate adenocarcinoma cells (LNCaP). Results showed that DT-A DNA was successfully delivered and the protein expressed in tumor cells in culture. In hu man xenografts, the growth was suppressed in 40% of treated tumors. The fact of C32 is non-toxic and it is able to transfect efficiently tumors locally and transfects healthy muscle poorly turned it as a promising carrier for the local treatment of cancer. From here, a panoply of results based in PbAE combinatorial library appeared. In 2005, Anderson53, prepared a new library of 486 second-generation PbAE based on polymers with 70 different primary structures and with different molecular weights. These 70 polymers were synthesized using monomers previously identified as common to effective gene delivery polymers. This library was then characterized by molecular weight of polymers, particle size, surface charge, optimal polymer/DNA ratio and transfection efficiency in COS-7 of polymer/DNA complexes. Results showed that from 70 polymers with primary structures, 20 possess transfection activities as good as or better than Lipofectamine R 2000, one of the most effective commercially available lipid reagents. Results also revealed that, in general, the most effective polymers/DNA complexes had In 2006, Green79, synthesized, on a larger scale and at a range of molecular weights, the top 486 of 2350 PbAEs previously assessed52 and studied their ability to deliver DNA. These PbAEs were tested, firstly, on the basis of transfection efficacy in COS-7 cells in serum-free conditions, and then, the 11 of the best-performing PbAEs structures were further analyzed. The transfection conditions were optimized in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in the presence of serum. In this study, the influence of the factors like polymer structure and molecular weight, and biophysical properties of the polyplexes (such as, particle size, zeta potential, and particle stability throughout time) were studied. The results showed that many of the polyplexes formed have identical biophysical properties in the presence of buffer, but, when in the presence of serum proteins their biophysical properties changed differentially, influencing the transfection ac tivity. Concerning to the size, the results showed that in spite of all vectors condensed DNA into small particles below 150 nm in buffer, only a few, such as C32, JJ32 and E28, formed small (_200 nm) and stable particles in serum. C32, JJ32 and E28 revealed also high transfection activity both in the absence of serum in COS-7 cell line as in the presence of serum in HUVEC cell line. Moreover, C32 transfected HUVECs in the presence of serum significantly higher than jetPEI R and Lipofectamine R 2000, the two top commercially available transfection reagents. The 3 mentioned PbAEs share a nearly identical structure. The acrylate monomers of these polymers, C, JJ, and E, differ by only their carbon chain lengths (4, 5, and 6 carbons, respectively). Similarly, amines 20, 28, and 32 differ also by only the length of their carbon chain (3, 4, and 5 carbons, respectively). For example, polymers prepared with the same acrylate monomer (C) in which itwas increased the length of the carbons chain of the amine monomer resulted in an increased transfection efficacy (C32 (5 carbons) > C28 (4 carbons) > C20 (3 carbons)) of these polymers-based polyplexes. Interestingly, this study reinforced C32 as the lead PbAE vector and revealed other potential two, JJ28 and E28, which previously showedto be poor vectors. On the other hand, C28 and U28, previously recognized as an efficient transfection reagent, were found to transfect inefficiently HUVEC in serum. By constructing a new library of end-modified PbAE, the research was continued78 in order to understand the structure-function relationship of terminal modification of PbAE in transfection activity. For this purpose, it was used twelve different amine capping reagents to end-modify C32, D60 and C20. The choice of these 3 PbAEs was based in their transfection activity: C32, the most effective; D60, an effective transfection reagent with a significantly different structure from that of C32; and, C20, a poor transfection reagent but with similar structure to C32 differing only in the length of the amine monomer. The results showed that some PbAEs-based vectors (C32-103 and C32-117) were able to deliver DNA by approximately two orders of magnitude higher than unmodified C32, PEI (25,000 g.mol-1) or Lipofectamine R2000, and, at levels comparable to adenovirus at a reasonably high level of infectivity (multiplicity of infection = 100). Once again, it was demonstrated that small structural changes influence greatly gene delivery, from biophysical properties (such as, DNA binding affinity, particle size, intracellular DNA uptake) until final protein expression. From these 3 polymers assessed, C20 was the one who transfected cells much less effectively, although it has seen a remarkably improvement with end-modifications. As expected, C 32-based polyplexes, based on C32-103 and C32-117, revealed the higher transfection efficiency enhancing cellular DNA uptake up to five-fold compared to unmodified C32. Interestingly, and in a general way, terminal modifications of C32 with primary alkyl diamines were more effective than those with PEG spacers, revealing that a degree of hydrophobicity at the chain ends is an added value for these polymers. Another interesting fact in terminal modification of C32 was that at least a three carbon spacer between terminal amines is necessary to obtain an efficient gene delivery. For example, results showed that C32-103 transfection efficiency is 130- and 300-fold higher than C32-102 on the COS-7 and HepG2 cell lines, respectively. As the molecular weight was the same, this result demonstrated the critical role of the chain ends in transfection activity. In order to better understand the role of the chain ends in transfection efficiency a new library of end-modified C32 was synthesized by Zugates80 in 2007 using 37 different amine molecules to end-modify the PbAE. In a general way, it was observed that polymers end-capped with hydrophilic amine end groups containing hydroxyls or additional amines led to higher transfection efficiency. On the other hand, terminal-modifications with hydrophobic amines containing alkyl chains or aromatic rings proved to be much less effective. Concerning to cytotoxicity, terminal modification with primary monoamine reagents (independently of functional group extending from the amine, such as aromatic, alkyl, hydroxyl, secondary and tertiary
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