Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Law Enforcement Today - 773 Words
Assignment Law Enforcement Today CJS/200 May 20, 2012 Ryan A. Conti Law Enforcement Today Today’s law enforcement officers are faced with difficult challenging issues. Being trained efficiently is most important so they know how to respond to the many different issues. According to Schmalleger (2011), corruption, on duty dangers, deadly force, and racial profiling are just some issues today’s law enforcement has to deal with. Multicultural society is one of the main challenges that police officers face on a day to day bases. To â€Å"protect and serve†is the number one duty of law enforcement. According to Schmalleger (2011), it is important as a police officer to understand and respect the different habits,†¦show more content†¦Excessive force is â€Å"the application of an amount and/or frequency of force greater than that required to compel compliance from a willing or unwilling subject†(Schmalleger, 2011). One issue that has been constant is racial profiling. No matter how far along we as people have come along racial profiling will always be an issue but has only come to the nation’s attention in the 1990’s. Schmalleger (2011) stated, â€Å"Racial profiling can be defined as any police action initiated on the basis of the race, ethnicity, or national origin of a suspect, rather than on the behavior of that individual or on information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity†(p.284). Majority of these cases are done toward minorities, Latinos, African Americans, and since 9/11 Middle Eastern get profiled as an illegal alien, gangster, or terrorist. Terrorism has become a serious issue since the 9/11 attacks. Local, state, and federal law enforcement has been working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Counterterrorism efforts are in full effect and have priority. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has the responsibility of trying to predict and pr event terrorism attacks. For the FBI to be able to do this they collect, analyze, and share information with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)Show MoreRelatedLaw Enforcement Today763 Words  | 4 PagesLaw Enforcement Today Paper Chelsea Berry Foundations of the Criminal Justice System June 2, 2013 Gary Lair Many police departments are facing budget problems, forcing them to cut their police force down. Many officers are being asked to do things they normally dont do such as patrolling. Police departments are also facing increasing crimes due to the poor economyRead MoreLaw Enforcement Today Paper1056 Words  | 5 PagesAngeles Police Department, more and more law enforcement administrators are faced with the task of reforming police department, with little guidance on how to bring about the necessary changes. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. If you must compose an argumentative essay on immigration, but don't have adequate time or energy to do it by yourself, you have located the ideal spot. If you're struggling, you always have the option to acquire help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. If you think that you require assistance with your written assignments it is preferable to ask for skilled help from online writing service. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Is Wrong There are a few reasons which justify and condemn illegal immigration that I will endeavor to go over below. The current dilemma of immigration raises various essential questions which are both beneficial and negative. Yet another critical issue to think about is overpopula tion. There are a few problems that surpass the controversies which were raised about immigration. Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should select a subject of high importance. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. You will probably locate a different and wonderful topic you will love to write about. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper can help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. You need to set up facts, possess the confidence and demonstrate the obvious evidence of your private viewpoint to certain phenomenon. Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. Racial slurs ought to be illegal. There are lots of aspects abo ut a sport that may be argued in an essay. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. To start with, an argumentative essay is a part of formal writing. It is a particular type of academic writing. Civil wars and financial challenges are a few of the typical elements that push people to move to other nations searching for peace and financial stability. Immigration has turned into a massive international issue, especially within the field of economics, trade, and company. Therefore, immigration offers a chance to students who pursue new fields of study they cannot locate in their home country. Job immigration is the main problem, particularly in the underdeveloped and developing countries. Immigration has ever been an important but divisive element of social and political life in the United States of america, but in the last few years, the debate about the perceived threats and advantages of immigration has intensified considerably. Technol ogy is ever-present in our everyday lives. What You Must Know About Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics There are a few helpful strategies for argumentative essays. There are, in addition, some special methods for writing the very first and the very last paragraphs (introduction and conclusion). When students are writing their argumentative essays which need to find, read and analyze tons of material to do good. To locate argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you will need to comprehend about the argumentative essay. There isn't any chance of you getting a plagiarized paper written by somebody else. A conclusion is, without a doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the very good impression or destroy it entirely. Make certain you are really interested in the problem, because otherwise you will have no confidence, which is a significant aspect when convincing somebody. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. The New Angle On Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics Just Released Immigration does not need to be the bad man's escape in the event the government provides enough jobs for everybody. To start, in the 19th century, different kinds of illegal immigrants were regarded as a danger to the Americans. Politically, they take a major role in the presidential elections. Furthermore, illegal immigrants also tend to commit different crimes since they aren't conscious of the other prevailing laws of the nation that they seek residence.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Human Resource Management Change Management
Question: Write about theHuman Resource Management for Change Management. Answer: Introduction In the last decade, the Australian organizations have had different transformations which have led to significant impact on employees. The demands placed on employees are greater than even before, standards expected are higher and duties have become more sophisticated (Fitz-Enz, 2010). These transformations have not had an impact on the employees but have also impacted what the management does to ensure they feel appreciated and valued by the organization. The rapidly transforming business environment indicates that there are many human resource management challenges which might continue to evolve Australia in the future. As a result of the unstable economy as well as local and global advancements, many changes are occurring and impacting human resource management in different ways (Muller, 2013). According to researchers, Human resource departments are facing some challenges that affect them from adding real business value. The following are some of the major challenges which hinder human resource in Australian organizations from performing better. Change Management In the Australian, change-resistant in organizations is very common. People are used to doing what they are used to and never want to accept the introduction of new things. This factor makes the human resource managers to experience challenges because for an organization to succeed, change must be incorporated in the management of human resources. Employees resist change for different reasons including the fear of the unknown, fear of losing jobs and so forth (Muller, 2012). According to business experts, the process of change management has an influence in the whole organization and all people who work there and therefore if the right process is not used it may negatively impact the employees and other aspects concerning the organization. Change is required for different reasons aimed to improve the performance of either the employee or the organization as a whole. The challenge which the HR professionals face in managing change is trying to explain to the employees the reason for the change or other strategies of minimizing change resistance (Rivenburgh, 2013). Another challenge comes when employee resist a change that has already been implemented because it causes the employees to behave in a manner which does not favor good performance. The work of the HR professionals is to ensure employees performs as expected and therefore when this happens they must use the proper strategies to ensure they accept the change, and they can perform better. Recruitment and Selection The number of new job seekers has been growing in Australia over the years because the digital era has made many people to realize the importance of education. This factor has made companies to receive many job applications when a vacancy is announced, hence making the human resource professionals to experience challenges in finding the suitable candidates from a large number of applicants especially when they have similar academic qualifications and job experience (Chintalapati, 2013). The increase in the number of job seekers in the recent years also made the HR managers to experience challenges in selection because they must adjust their selection procedure from time to time so that they can ensure the candidate selected from these broad numbers fulfills the job requirements. Leadership Development This is one of the biggest challenges which Human resource managers face in Australia. In most of the organizations, human resource managers are expected to provide the fundamental structures, tools, processes and points of view to make the best solution and develop the future leaders in their organization (Savtchenko, 2012). In Australia, leadership development is classified as a critical strategic initiative in ensuring the right staffs are retained, the culture of the company supports performance from within to attain good market position, and managers can take leadership roles in the future so that the organization can be viable in the long term. Leadership development includes exposing the best employees to an immersive leadership environment. Sometimes, choosing the best employees for this purpose may be challenging because every employee feels he or she is the best fit. The rising employee turnover rate in this country is also giving the HR managers tough time in coming up with practices to promote employee engagement and motivate them to stay for long in the organizations (Andrew, 2012). The issue of excess turnover rates is also making these professionals to experience challenges in building the next generation organizational leaders because the ones trained leave the organizations within short period even before gaining the required experience. Measurement HR Effectiveness Improvement cannot happen without the right tools to measure the effectiveness of Human Resource. Just like the other departments in an organization, the human resource also requires measuring outcomes regarding transaction management, as well as with regard to positive impact on the company (Hussain, 2012). In the wake of excess competition in the Australian companies, the human resource strategy is linked to the strategic success of an organization as a whole, but most of the senior executives in some of the companies think of HRs effectiveness as unquantifiable. Just like other professionals or departments, the performance of HR professionals can be measured and analyzed, so as to allow them realize their strategic importance in the organizations Identifying Skills As a result of competition in the Australian job market, it is becoming challenging for the human resource managers to identify the right people who can assist their organizations to succeed. The major issue, in this case, is identifying skills beyond those shown in the CVs and resumes (Bhatt, 2012). This is because all job applicants present CVs with different types of skills but not all of them bear them in the real sense. Identifying the desired competencies in a pool of job applicants is a significant challenge for the HR in Australia especially when the position is very competitive. The HR professionals must be adept in finding and securing the best employees, even when the job market seems to be in the candidates favor. The HR professionals also face the challenge of marketing their organizations to the most potential employees in Australia because the number of job seekers is increasing as time goes on and targeting all of them is difficult. Conducting Employee Terminations or Layoffs at Work Letting an employee go is usually one of the most challenging things which HR professionals go through. The greatest percentage of HR professional in Australia says termination or layoffs are an emotionally draining process which affects them (Shiri, 2012). Firing an employee with different responsibilities like taking care of his/her family make the HR professional feel some sense of guiltiness. The legal issue to consider when firing an employee in Australia is also stressful for the HR professionals because a single misstep may lead time-consuming and even expensive lawsuit for an organization. Ensuring Internal and External Compensation Equity Job competition in Australia is increasing, and each company wants to retain its employees (Andries, 2015). Other enterprises that do not have sufficient workforce try to attract the most skilled applicants from other organizations through promising better pay and good job titles. This factor makes the Australian HR professionals face the burden of ensuring the workers are not lured by better pay or notable titles from other companies. Emotional and Physical Stability of Employees As time goes on, the Australians tend to feel that providing salaries and wages to employees is not adequate in todays world. This means the human resource managers are required to maintain proper emotional balance of staff members. Upholding this balance is not an easy job because the human resource managers must understand the requirements, attitudes, requirements and the feelings of staff members in order to motivate them whenever required. Balance Between Management and Employee As time goes on, the responsibilities of human resource are changing in different perspectives. This means balancing the interests of management and employees is becoming a burden to these professionals (Srimannarayana, 2013). Profits, loyalty, cooperation, and are expected by the management whereas good salaries, safety, career development, participative working and good working conditions are some of the factors expected by employees from the management. Unlike marketers, accountants other professionals, human resource managers experience a challenge in trying to balance the management expectations and what the employees expect to get from the management ManagingJob Benefits and Perks, Training Programs Employee health insurance, disability, paid leave, and company benefits as well as perks programs are complex and challenging to manage (Bhatt, 2012). Sometimes when employees expect to get them, and the company does not have enough resources or other departments do not give full support, the HR professionals end up experiencing challenges because it is their responsibility to ensure employees gets what they can motivate them to work better. Conclusion The growing demand for then sound management of human resources is increasing the challenges faced by HR professionals in Australia. The increasing in job competition is affecting both the job seekers and HR professionals in different ways. Some of the challenges which the HR professionals face because of the increase in competition in the Australian job market include identifying the right skills, and Ensuring there is internal and external compensation equity. Other challenges which the HR professionals face in this country include Managing job benefits and perks, training programs, Conducting employee terminations or layoffs at work, HR effectiveness measurement, balancing employee and management Leadership development and managing change. Although the seriousness of these issues differs, they make the HR professionals to experience challenges in ensuring the organizational goals and objects are met through providing the required workforce. Bibliography Andrew, B., 2012. HR Outsourcing Can Boost Savings and Service. The Public Manager, 41(3), pp. 678-710. Andries, D. P., 2015. Evidence of the Changing Activities, Goals and Roles of Hr Practitioners. Journal of Community Positive Practices,, 15(1), pp. 123-200. Bhatt, P., 2012. Understanding HR and Development Paradigms: Changes and Effectiveness, an Employees' Standpoint. Organization Development Journal, 30(3), pp. 65-90. Chintalapati, N., 2013. Protecting the Competitive Advantage Derived through HR: Challenges for IT Industry. IUP Journal of Management Research, 12(3), pp. 34-89. Fitz-Enz, J., 2010. The New HR Analytics: Predicting the Economic Value of Your Company's Human Capital Investments. New York: AMACOM. Hussain, F., 2012. The Chief HR Officer: Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders. South Asian Journal of Management, 21(3), pp. 34-89. Muller, M., 2012. The Legal Side of HR Practice. New York: American Management Association. Muller, M., 2013. The Manager's Guide to HR: Hiring, Firing, Performance Evaluations, Documentation, Benefits, and Everything Else You Need to Know. New York: American Management Association. Rivenburgh, D., 2013. The New Corporate Facts of Life: Rethink Your Business to Transform Today's Challenges into Tomorrow's Profits. New York: AMACOM. Savtchenko, A., 2012. Emerging HR Leaders Help the Public Manager. The Public Manager, 41(3), pp. 67-90. Shiri, S., 2012. Strategic Role of HR Audit in Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Management and Public Policy, 3(2), pp. 765-800. Srimannarayana, M., 2013. Human Resource Competencies as Perceived by Executives. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(2), pp. 45-89.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jamaica Essays - Parishes Of Jamaica, Jamaican Maroons,
Jamaica The island of Jamaica is the third largest Caribbean island. It is in a group of islands called the greater antilles. It has an area of 10 991 km squared or 4 244 sq. miles. Jamaica spans 230 km east to west and from 80-36 from north to south. It is third only to Cuba, which is the largest, and Hispaniola which is the second largest island. Jamaica lies in the Caribbean sea which is a part of the much larger Atlantic ocean. The island is 960 km south of Florida, 160 km southwest of Haiti, and 140 km south of Cuba. Jamaica is mainly a mountainous island but there are 320 km of fine sandy beaches, swamps, moist fern- forests, sprawling open plains, plateaus, rushing rivers, and magnificent waterfalls. The Blue Mountains are the highest mountains in Jamaica and Blue Mountain Peak which is the highest peak in Jamaica rises to 2256 m or 7 402 feet. They are made up primarily of limestone. Farther to the west in the cockpit country the limestone has eroded over many years to form large depressions, narrow valleys, underground caverns and rivers. Most of the surface rivers are short, swift flowing and descend quickly to the coast and consist of a series of rapids and waterfalls. The island is ringed by plains separated by mountain and sea. The country is divided into three counties. They are Cornwall to the west, Middlesex is central, and Surrey is to the east. Middlesex is the largest county. Jamaica is also divided into 14 parishes which are basically like provinces or states. The parishes are Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, St. Ann, Trelawny, St. James, Hanover, Westmoreland, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, Clarendon, and St. Catherine. Jamaica is mainly a tropical climate. During the course of the year, Jamaica has no real winter whatsoever. The average yearly temperature ranges from 27 degrees celsius to 32 degrees celsius. It is cooler in hills, around 20 to 25 degrees and it is known to dip below 10 degrees in the blue mountains. Although it is hot in the day, light ocean breezes result in making the island more comfortable in the day and cooler breezes blow down from the Blue Mountains at night. Rain falls in Jamaica 12 months of the year because it is a rainy tropical climate. The average rainfall is 196 cm per annum. The main months for raining, however, are May to June and September to October. The major differences in elevation cause the rain to fall almost 600 cm per annum on the mountains and only 89 cm on the southeast coast. Hurricanes can strike anytime between June and October. One of the main hurricanes to hit Jamaica was hurricane Hugo in 1989 which badly damaged the country. The vegetation in Jamaica is exceptionally varied. This is mainly because of the islands varied rainfall, soil, elevations, and climate. Many of the plants which now thrive in Jamaica's rich soil have been introduced from other countries in colonial times. There are bamboo forests in the northern and northeastern areas. Also, rosewood, mahogany, ebony, and other species of wood which live throughout the island. Drought resistant plants live in the dry southeastern part of Jamaica. Sections of the plateau are heavily forested savannas or grasslands. The majority of the palm trees are in the southwest part of the island. The countryside is often covered by rampant growths of poinsettia, hibiscus, poinciana, oleander, and bougainvillaea. There are many products which are grown in Jamaica. Some of the produce raised are bananas, sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, coconut, pimento, ackee, nutmeg, & breadfruit. Jamaica has many animals although it boasts only one native mammal, the coney, which is a wild rabbit. The mongoose is large rodent originating from india. It was introduced to Jamaica in 1872 to control the problem of snakes and rats in the cane fields and has done an adequate job since then. Most of the snakes have disappeared from Jamaica except for a few non poisonous ones which look more like worms than snakes. In Jamaica, as well as many other caribbean islands there are an abundant population of small harmless lizards. There are over 200 species on the island. Crocodiles are also numerous on the south coast swamp areas. In the past, Jamaica's economy was generally based on agriculture. The dependency was on a few staple crops, primarily sugar and bananas. New economic development began with earnest in and around the 1950's. Bauxite mining began in 1952 and
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