Saturday, May 23, 2020
Roper et als Activities of Daily Living Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Generally, the underpinning theories including dignity, consent, and privacy shall be discussed in this paper as they relate to better and effective nursing care. Although not all of Roper s activities of daily living apply to this case, they shall nevertheless be included for discussion purposes. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clearer picture and understanding of Roper s activities of daily living and the impact of the disease, disability, and infirmities on such activities. The patient is a 55-year old Afro-Caribbean male who was admitted to the hospital after suffering a fall secondary to excessive alcohol intake. He also has Type 2 diabetes as his other co-morbid condition based on his previous medical history. He lives alone after his wife divorced him two and a half years ago. He is also unemployed because he lost his driving license three years ago and has since sought solace in alcohol which he initially thought he could control. Maintaining a safe environment is crucial for this patient. Patients who have experienced falls are likely to fall again because of any injuries they may have suffered and any immobility which their fall might have caused (Lord, et. al., 2007). Maintaining a safe environment includes safety precautions which can be made on the home and in the patient s hospital room. Guard rails on the bed have to be put up, especially in instances where the patient s mental awareness is low (Miller, 2008). Since the patient is suffering from excessive alcohol intake, the guard rails need to be put up in order to prevent any repeat falls. Maintaining a safe environment also requires the nurses taking on leadership roles in order to maintain and monitor standards which can secure the cleanliness and effective infection control measures (Smith, n.d). The care administered to the patient, therefore, includes various remedies including infection control as well as monitoring of patient progress. We will write a custom essay sample on Roper et als Activities of Daily Living or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Capote vs a Good Man Is Hard to Find - 1303 Words
Fact Vs. Fiction Does one murdered family deserve more sympathy than another? In the two stories we read about two different families that got murdered, I personally do feel more sympathy for one family over the other. The Clutter family was a real living family, while the fictional family O’Connor writes about has an unknown last name and feels fake. Both of the stories gave me vivid pictures of what most family members acted like personality wise. However, I find that I sympathize more for the Clutter family for many reasons. Both families did not deserve to have their lives taken by murderers, but the Clutter family seemed very undeserving compared to the grandmother’s family. The story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†consists of a†¦show more content†¦If Truman Capote had written the main part of the book about the Clutter family’s lives through the years, the book would not have sold as much and probably would not have the fame and popularity it has now. A movie would have most likely not been produced if the storyline or plot contained a well-liked family just living a normal life like them, because it has no interest or entertainment value. Stories like the Clutter’s peak people’s interest and make them curious, just like when all the media immediately invaded Holocomb after hearing about this horrible and deadly tragedy. With Truman Capote’s story the country and even the world got to experience what the Clutters went through in their final moments alive. In an article written by Sarah Goodrum, she studied how people expressed themselves after a murder had occurred. She found that most people showed emotio n by â€Å"crying and over sympathetic upon knowledge of the murder, and acceptance of the tragedy†(Goodrum, 438). While I believe that many people cried after the Clutter family’s death, I highly doubt that anyone cried or grieved for the grandmother’s family. The story about the grandmother’s family and their deaths also generated some sympathy from me, but my feeling of sadness went away quickly. Although this family’s charactersShow MoreRelatedBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 Pagesearly life in his famous book The Autobiography. Benjamin Franklin He was the first great self-made man in America, a poor democrat born in an aristocratic age supported the cause of independence,, and aided Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence. Practical yet idealistic, hard working and enormously successful. the Scottish philosopher David Hume called him Americas first great man of letters†. Major Works Franklin’s place in literature owes much to his almanac and autobiography:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hardware and Software Free Essays
My system will require a basic hardware package that includes the ability to run access. This means that they will need a basic computer package including input devices such as the keyboard and mouse and an output device, which is a monitor. Addition things such as a scanner and printer can be added to expand the capability of the computer. We will write a custom essay sample on Hardware and Software or any similar topic only for you Order Now This set-up with minimum requirements can be bought for a figure as little as à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500, which is about the administration, costs for a small business anyway. It would need at least a 1 GB hard drive and have windows 2000. Windows two thousand is needed to run Access and word. Software Data-Power Data power has many basic features of a database software package. These include limited design functions. These design functions allow you to design different databases in a range of colours and layouts. It also contains some limited search or query functions. These include the ability to perform pre set searches on you database. However this is in contrast to the most up to date software which allows the user to develop there own search functions. This brings me to my first disadvantage with Data Power. This is that Data Power is a very competent programme but it’s very outdated. Many pieces of software available are now more advanced and contain more features than Data Power. As a result of its age, many new computers are not compatible with the data power programme. This could increase the cost of hardware and limit the functionality of the programme. Data Power is also avoidably difficult when it comes to searching. It uses much of the outdated and widely unknown computer language. This means that the users of such a programme will have to have limited knowledge of computers. Also searches are very wide and on large databases may not be practical. Excel Excel is a number-processing piece of software. It uses spreadsheets and equations to calculate and test different situations imposed on figures and how they may affect each other. Excel is good for balancing books and stock control as well as a minor model tester. It also has the ability to be used as a database. It has filter functions and limited search functions. It can be easily applied to word mail merge function giving one advantage over other packages. As well as this, it is also found on most computer systems. It is a relatively up-to-date system and is compatible with most systems. Excel also offers very complex queries. These queries allow you to search a number of things up at once. This is much better that the data powers basic query functions. It has lookup functions. However excel has only one user interface option. in addition to this it has no reports function or forms function. Word The purpose of word in this database is to use mail merge. This allows me to fulfil part of the criteria that says that the hotel needs to be able to send special offers to its customers. Word allows you to construct formal letters and files that can be used by mail merge to create personalised files. This would make it easier for administrators to send out special offers. Chosen Software I have chosen to use access. Access adaptable. You can make your own user interface designs as well as it being compatible with a lot of computer formats. Other reasons for my choice of excel is that I have access to access so it will be easier for me to make the database on access. Another reason for this choice is that access offers a wide range of query functions. These will allow me to set up the complex queries that are needed to perform the task the database was made for. How to cite Hardware and Software, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Central Processing Faciliites free essay sample
Oil processing facilities (Light Heavy) b) Water processing facilities c) Gas processing facilities a) Oil processing facilities (Light Heehaw): 0 Heavy oil processing facilities: CAP received heavy oil from Full field (heavy single wells and heavy Smogs) and from OFF (Mega, FEN and Key). To process the heavy oil, it must be gone through many main steps (Vessels) before it will be ready to be pumped to P. S #1 or whether exporting. The main vessels are: * Exchanger * First stage sedimentation tank * Second stage sedimentation tank Surge tank * Shipping tank 0 Light oil processing facilities: CAP received light oil from Full Field (light Smogs and light single wells) and from OFF Oak and Key). As same as heavy oil, light oil passes through many main steps (vessel) to be processed and then make it ready for exporting or pumping to P. S #1 . Light oil main vessels are: * Production separator * Electrostatic separator b) Water processing facilities : All separated water either from heavy crude or light crude passes directly to the produced water tank. We will write a custom essay sample on Central Processing Faciliites or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) Gas processing facilities : Gas usually separated in production separator or it comes directly to CAP by single wells. Surge Tank: It is the connection between sedimentation tanks and shipping tanks. Use to provide stable level for transfer pump. Skimmed Tank: Use mainly to reprocess the separated oil in produced water tank. Shipping Tank: It is the storage tank where the oil store before it pumps to P. S #1 or BE. 2 Produced water tank: Use to collect all separated water and use it in injection or pass it to evaporation ponds. 2. Heating facilities : Heating facilities is one of the most important facilities in CAP. They are using to increase the temperature of crude to facilitate moving and separation of water. Heating facilities include these three main vessels: * Make up tank Expansion tank (thermal oil material) * Exchangers * Heaters Thermal oil play vital row to heat the crude. Heaters heat this material and then pass it to exchangers where the crude heated. The chart in next slide shows this loop of heating the crude. 3. Chemical Injection : Chemical injection helps the sedimentation and separation. Three types of chemical injected to the crude in different vessels depends mostly on the type of rude. These types of chemical are: * Dehumidifiers *Reversed Dehumidifiers * Defamer Defamer uses to remove the foam from crude and avoid the over flow. It injected in outlet of sand trap. Dehumidifiers uses with both types of crude (light and heavy). It mainly uses to separate water from oil. For light oil, it injects before the inlet of separator. For the heavy crude, it injects in outlet of sand trap. Reversed dehumidifiers uses to separate oil from water. It injects in inlet to produced water tank. Other facilities : l. Test skid: It uses with heavy crude to test the daily production off well. II. Test separator: It as same as test skid but this vessel for the light crude. It tests the fluid off well. Ill. Pumps: certain types of pumps use inside CAP. Type of pump depends on Job. These are most types of pump which is used in CAP: 0 Light pump: use to transfer oil from tank 1932 to shipping tanks. 0 Transfer pump: use to transfer oil from surge tank to shipping tank. 0 Circulation pump: use in blending to control the viscosity of oil going to AS #1 0 Feed pump: use transfer oil from shipping tank to P. S #1 or BE 2. IV. Meter skid: use to measure the flow rate to P. S #1 .
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